Monday, December 14, 2015

party with my favorite people.

Our reception was the night before our wedding. And we had disposable cameras on every table.

best. decision. ever.

it was SUPPOSED to be a dreamy outdoor event. due to lovely Wyoming weather, it had to be moved indoors. 

The gym floors were nooooot ideal. 

 but the room was full of loud, happy, amazing people that made it all perfectly perfect. that's really all that matters. and cupcakes. cupcakes matter.


someone was out to get him. 


my family surprised us with a wild dance. hahahahaha.

after having all of the cameras developed, I just about died going through the photos taken. 

SO many divine cupcakes devoured. more laughing and hugging than I've ever participated in. certainly a night that will remain a favorite for a very very long time. 

the sixth of june.

my perfectly simple and simply happy wedding day. 

giggling all day long because WE'RE MARRIED.
My dearest friend in the blue shoes. She bravely accepted when I asked her to be my photographer. And, besides almost passing out from dehydration (hahahahaha. also, so sad.) she rocked it.

my very tall Frost family. (missing Jake) 
a sister. I have a SISTER. 
it was hooooot and it was briiiiiiight.

cutest cuties around. 

even more awkward.

it was one of those days that was just right. in the right place, at the right time, with the right person. how OVERJOYED I am to know that he is mine, not just now but for literally eternity