hooooolaaaa, amigos!
I do not regularly use any Spanish buuuut...I went to MEXICO so I whipped out a little something I learned in high school just for this post. are you blown away? ;)
my sweet little Spanish speaking grandma would be so proud of me..
we were lucky enough to have some extra money come our way and we spontaneously decided to take a little spring break trip, like true college kids!! well...kind of.
we're young and wild and free, just not that wild hahaha.
"WHHYY NOT?! Why not? Take a crazy chance."
^^ miss you Hilary Duff.
I whine and cry (literally cry) a lot over my undying desire for a chubby little baby, but this time we have just the two of us is truly priceless.
life is about to change BIG time for us.
Matt graduates in December and I have finally applied to nursing school!
holy. yay.
{ this was just what we needed }
we planned this trip out in literally..a day. and somehow we managed to pick the PRETTIEST place in all of Mexico. I don't even have to see the rest to know that it wins.
I'll love you forever.
flying is honestly one of my favorite things ever ever ever.
I just get so giddy and nothing beats peeking out the window and seeing the world all tiny below you. it's pure magic, I'm tellin' ya.
it was my very first time using my passport and I felt like hot. stuff. carrying that little thing around. this was just the first of many foreign adventures ahead of us, I can feel it!
I won't even lie, when we stepped out of the airport I was sure every little mustached man that looked at me was going to rob me. how awful am I?! I eventually got over my insecurities and realized that they were total sweetie pies.
plus, I was considerably taller than the majority of them soooo..yeah. good luck trying to pull a fast one on this lady. hahaha.
we stayed in a teeny tiny little hotel on the most popular street in town!
5th Avenue in Playa Del Carmen is a huuuuge street right by the beach with a million stores and restaurants and
basically an outdoor mall. seriously so great.
all the little vendors would always shout out to Matt, "Hey! Big Guy!" or, "Hey! Mr. Nike!" He owns a lot of Nike shirts....hahaha.
they casually asked him if he wanted to get high on coke, weed...really, they had it all! HA. that was my very favorite.
in fear of losing my phone, we brought a bunch of disposable cameras! sadly, one of our underwater ones didn't turn out and I could cry just thinking of all the beautiful photos that could have been! instead I have about 15 big black blobs. yay.
one of my favorite days:
Ancient Mayan Ruins in Tulum aaaaand SNORKELING.
me + a temple + a finger. |
can you find our little iguana friend? |
honestly. I'll forever be daydreaming about this place.
For super cheap, we ventured out on a little boat with two crazy little tour guides to find some precious sea turtles! |
the ruins behind us! |
poor Matt's tube kept going under the water and he was basically dying. but in the cutest way possible! |
no sea turtles, but I found this cute little creature. ;) |
wild haired, salty lipped snorkeler. |
absolute favorite day:
zip lining, cruising through the jungle, cave swimming + rafting
(all at the craziest park called Xplor.)
asteroids hit this place forming these underground rivers and formations (cenotes) that we swam through in our little orange helmets.
meeee under a waterfall. :) it hurt. |
pre-zip lining. |
the worker guy refused to let me drive since I didn't have my license on me. NEITHER DID MATT. but he did not believe that I was old enough. I'm not even close to sixteen, but whateverrrr. |
I've never been a fan of beaches because of that dang sand. but. this sand was practically powdered sugar that yes, got absolutely everywhere, but I didn't even mind.
<< this leathery skinned lady to the left of me was not only old, but topless. such a treat for me to see. |
super burnt and super awkward. |
our adorable hotel, Unic Design. unique, unic..same thing right? hahaha. |
right outside our hotel room. |
naked mermaid people arch. |
watching Mayan dancers and chomping on mangoes. |
gazing at the menu of our favorite French place, Chez Celine. we ate there daily..sometimes breakfast and lunch..and dinner. |
it was a dream. then it all had to end. |
it was the perfect "second honeymoon" before real life hits us and you bet your booty we'll be going back some day. right after we explore every inch of Europe.
I totally feel you with the baby thing!
ReplyDeleteLove this! Looks so fun that I want to go get a nice sunburn now!
You're so cute, and also love your "the leathery skinned lady next to me, was not only old but topless lucky me" hahaha so good!